DUAN debuted on the Polish scene in March 2005. Young, wrapped up in their joint passion, those musicians set it as their goal to play the real Irish music, as close to the tradition of the Green Island as possible. Since that time, they have been constantly perfecting their abilities and technique, by participating in numerous musical projects and (not only) traditional music workshops in the country and outside of it (mainly Ireland).
The band's concerts - with traditional instrumental music, merry pub songs and touching slow airs - tell a real story of Ireland.
DUAN plays regularly at both big festivals and in small pubs, where traditional Irish music takes on its special, authentic quality. The band's music can also be found on the promo CD of The Witcher computer game.
In 2011, the band joined its forces with Setanta dancing group.
"Traditional Irish music is, on the one hand, an art, which we respect and admire, and on the other hand, a phenomenon that gives us vast amounts of joy and satisfaction, and allows us to take a break from everyday reality. Duan (from Irish: poem, song), including in its meaning the word and the music, conveys what we wish to express best."
Banjo player, guitarist and a singer performing for many years on stages and in pubs all over Poland and worldwide. Joined Duan in 2016 as a banjo player and main singer. Always exuberant on stage he banters the audience with song introductions and stories. He is very fond of the musical traditions of Clare and Sligo counties, as well as of Scotland. Apart from Celtic music Łukasz is interested in Gypsy jazz and bal folk. Also an avid repairer of banjos and diatonic accordions, he dreams of becoming a proper luthier some day. As a populariser of Celtic music and culture he started the Celtycki Wrocław movement.
Zafascynowany tradycyjną muzyką irlandzką jeszcze jako dziecko, dzisiaj uprawia muzykę na poprzecznym flecie irlandzkim oraz whistlach. Swoją pasję realizuje nie tylko jako muzyk, ale też twórca instrumentów Goldfinch Whistles, flażoletów zdobywających już światową renomę. Jakub to wielbiciel muzycznych sesji, wędrowania, literatury fantastycznej i dobrych opowieści. Pochodzi z Bydgoszczy. Dyplomowany magister filologii angielskiej, prócz muzyki irlandzkiej grywa też melodie bretońskie i francuskie, najchętniej dla tancerzy, na festiwalach w Polsce i za granicą. Nie poprzestaje tylko na repertuarze tradycyjnym, zajmuje się też kompozycją.
He's a part of Duan from the very beginning of its creation. Before that, he used to play in "The Celtic Folk", and recently has had the pleasure of playing and recording with "De Press". His phone is permanently attached to his ear, since he's the official managerial voice of Duan. When it comes to music, Irish traditional music is the one dear to his heart, but he also enjoys listening to acoustic and jazz melodies.
Michał mieszka w Poznaniu, gdzie stanowi harmoniczną i rytmiczną podporę na regularnych sesjach muzyki irlandzkiej. Ten przesympatyczny informatyk z ogromną ciekawością eksploruje również taniec i muzykę z innych krain - równie zręcznie podegra do irlandzkiego ceilidh, bretońskiego fest noz, jak i francuskiego balu. Jego grę usłyszeć można na potańcówkach w całej Polsce, zwykle jako członka projektów muzyki balfolkowej Balonique oraz Balsam.
Addicted to music multi-instrumentalist; used to play with "The Celtic Folk" and actively promoted Irish culture in Poland (TPI, "Website for Irish 'Fanatics'"). Although his body resides in Poland, his soul is enjoying the hospitality of XIXth century Ireland. He adores the world as presented in the Robin of Sherwood series and/or post-nuclear wastelands (in no particular order ;-). Graphic designer or developer by profession, non-practicing neo-pagan without driver's licence, he's strongly attached to his portable music player; because if not folk music and not Clannad..., then it's dark wave and ambient.